A Novel Hybrid Model Based on Rule Learning and Dilated Convolution for Vehicle Collision Prediction


autonomous driving
collision prediction
dilated convolution
rule learning
feature construction

How to Cite

Wu, N., Liu, X., & lv , Z. (2024). A Novel Hybrid Model Based on Rule Learning and Dilated Convolution for Vehicle Collision Prediction. Annals of Applied Sciences. https://doi.org/10.55085/aas.2024.720


Vehicle collisions are a significant concern in road accidents, particularly with the rise of autonomous driving technology. However, existing studies often struggle to accurately predict collisions due to inconsistent correlations between collected data and collision labels. Therefore, this work quantitatively analyzes traffic accident data and constructs new features with strong correlations to the labels. In this study, a rule classification-dilated convolution network (R-DCN) model, which combines rule learning with dilated convolutional networks, is proposed. The rule learning model predicts partially collided vehicles using predefined rules, resulting in interpretability, high prediction efficiency, and quick computation. The remaining vehicle collisions are estimated using dilated convolutional layers, addressing the issue of missing important features in conventional convolution models. To distinguish between intense collisions (predicted by rule learning) and nonintense collisions (predicted by the dilated convolutional model), the data for training the network are those that remove the intense collision predicted by the rule learning model. The proposed model exhibits enhanced sensitivity to nonintense collision data. Compared to existing models, the approach presented in this work demonstrates superior evaluation metrics and training speed.



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