Annals of Dental Sciences 2022-02-28T14:12:05+00:00 Annals of Dental Sciences Open Journal Systems <p><strong>Annals of Dental Sciences</strong> is an international open-access peer-reviewed journal, based on a continuous publication model, and aims to publish original works of high quality, from MENA region countries, covering all dental sciences.</p> Screw-Retained Implant Supported Protheses on a Coronally Positioned Free Fibula Flap after Ameloblastoma Resection: A Case Report 2021-12-27T15:13:41+00:00 Guillermo Bernal Oscar de León Luis Eduardo Bermúdez Laura Ruiz <p>A detailed multidisciplinary approach for the management of a patient with a mandibular defect caused by an ameloblastoma through the use of three fibula flap blocks and a fixed screw-retained implant supported prosthesis will be discussed. Diagnosis, treatment planning, surgical and prosthetic protocols are described, as well as clinical and radiographic results after six years.</p> 2022-02-16T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2022 Bernal G et al Periodontal Microsurgery: A Boon for Precision 2022-02-07T18:20:39+00:00 Rituparnna Dhir Jayasheela M Triveni M G Manjunath Nandihalli Shetru <p>The surgical operating microscope increases illumination and visual acuity for the periodontist to perform clinical procedures with improved precision over conventional surgeries. Presently, using a surgical microscope gives an impression of being the best option which helps in better diagnostic ability and treatment quality. This review highlights the basics of periodontal plastic surgery, including the role of magnification and microsurgical instruments, knot tying, clinical applications, and microsurgical effects on aesthetics. This mini-literature review infers that improved visual acuity of microsurgery provides significant advantages of less patient discomfort, rapid healing, improved esthetics, and patient compliance. Periodontal microsurgery combined with minimally invasive surgical techniques benefits the ability of a clinician‘s precision in manipulating the tissues, thereby offering the simplest and the best probable outcome.</p> 2022-04-10T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2022 Dhir R et al Dental Anxiety Associated with Visiting Dental Clinics before and after Getting COVID-19 Vaccine 2022-02-28T14:12:05+00:00 Ashim Gupta Manu Gupta 2022-03-17T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2022 Gupta A et al