A Scoping Literature Review of Recall and Memory Psychometric Tools


Standardized Examinations
Social Security
Pediatric Assessments
Geriatric Assessments
Adult Assessments

How to Cite

Varkey, P. K., Merhavy, Z. I., Simtion, K., Varkey, J., & Varkey, T. C. (2022). A Scoping Literature Review of Recall and Memory Psychometric Tools . Current Medicine. https://doi.org/10.55085/cm.2022.647


Aim: This scoping literature review aims to determine what is known about 1) the method of testing memory for both long-term and short-term memory and 2) determine which of these methods may be useful in testing the memory.
Background: Several cognitive domains are actively utilized in basic adult activities of daily living (ADLs). These can and are often tested by different cognitive batteries and are necessary to test for patients to receive social support funds and access to programs.
Methods: The study follows the established methods for a scoping literature review with guidelines to identify memory tests, their validity within the field, and the different test limitations within its major age demographic. The article restricts its research to articles published between 1985 to 2021 published quantitative and qualitative primary studies, evaluation research, and systematic and other types of reviews are included if they address different cognitive and memory abilities along with different memory test applications and their use within different major age demographics, and they are published in English.
Results: The combined search strategy yielded 93,000 articles, of which 88 are included. The use of different memory tests in the major age demographics (pediatrics, adult, and geriatrics) was evaluated, and the findings from the different articles were summarized in written form and a table.
Discussion: These 88 peer-reviewed sources were utilized to develop this scoping literature review on the current standard assessment tools for measuring the psychometric properties of memory, recall, and learning.



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