A Description of lethal lead Intoxication in Dante’s Divine Comedy


Dante Alighieri
Metal Intoxication
Divine Comedy
Master Adam
Lead Nephropathy

How to Cite

Stamatiou, K., & Stamatiou, A. (2022). A Description of lethal lead Intoxication in Dante’s Divine Comedy. Annals of Public Health. https://doi.org/10.55085/aph.2022.665


Dante Alighieri is one of the most important authors of Italian and worldwide literature. He achieved lasting worldwide fame with his Divine Comedy. In this work, he reveals an impressive ability to describe medical matters. In this paper we discuss the case of Master Adam the Englishman (Magistro Adam de Anglia) presented in the Inferno as a possible case of lead intoxication induced chronic renal insufficiency.



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