Coorg mandarin is a particular type of mandarin grown in Western Ghats' high humid tropical region. The crop is cultivated in multiple cropping systems of pepper and coffee plantations in Karnataka, Tamil Nadu, and the Kerala states of India. The crop is attacked by a number of diseases. Among them, Phytophthora is a century-old disease causing a major threat to Coorg mandarin cultivation and production in Southern states of India. A systematic random survey was conducted to collect Phytophthora infected samples from the seeds and grafted Coorg mandarin plants in 184 orchards located in different parts of Karnataka. A total of 111 Phytophthora isolates were isolated and characterized from infected plant roots (59) and soil (52) infected Coorg Mandarin samples collected in different orchards. Based on the pathogenicity parameter, only 45 out of 111 Phytophthora isolates were selected, and the ITS region was amplified by PCR using ITS primers and sequenced. Based on the ITS sequence pairwise identity score, 45 Phytophthora isolates were assembled into three groups. The type I group of P. palmivora isolates showed the highest nucleotide identity of 88.5 to 90.8% with P.palmivora (JX198562). In contrast, the type II group of P. palmivora isolates showed nucleotide identity of 93.6 to 99 % with P.palmivora (KF010299) infecting different citrus species, and the type III group of P.nicotianae isolates showed maximum nucleotide identity of more than 93% with P.nicotianae (KJ549640) infecting different citrus species.
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