Condyle Dislocation to Medial Cranial Fossa: A Systematic Review


Neurologic Trauma
Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery

How to Cite

Costa SM, Ribeiro BC, Amaral MB. Condyle Dislocation to Medial Cranial Fossa: A Systematic Review. Surg Insights [Internet]. 2022 Apr. 18 [cited 2025 Feb. 12];. Available from:


Purpose: To investigate the clinical, immaginological, complications and its relations of each one of the treatment approaches for the traumatic dislocation of the mandibular condyle to the medial cranial fossa.
Methods: An electronic literature search was undertaken in June/2019. Eligibility criteria included publications having enough clinical, radiological, treatment protocols and post-operative outcomes information.
Results: 46 publications ( 50 patients) were included. Most of the patients were women ( 70%), the most common age range in the pediatric population from 0 to 15 years old ( 34%). The mean age is 25,66 years old ( +- 15,19).  The most common causes are automotive accidents ( 60%), Falls ( 8%), Assaults ( 8%), followed by one case of industrial accident. Otorrhagia was present in 10% of the patients, loss of conciseness in 10% of the patients, followed by 6% of the patients presenting intracranial hematoma. Open treatment was the preferred with 44%, followed by the closed treatment ( 26%), condylectomy( 16%) and conservative treatment (14%). None complications were observed in 60% of the patients, however complications related to the TMJ were observed in 38% of the cases, followed by 2% of complications related to the medial cranial fossa. Comparative statistical analyzes did not show differences between the treatment modalities as the complications, except when compared with closed treatment in relation with complications related to the medial cranial fossa ( p = 0,035).
Conclusions:  The traumatic dislocation of the mandibular condyle to the medial cranial fossa is a rare complication related to facial trauma, with only fifty cases described in the literature. The treatment modalities did have not influence into the development of complications, excepts when the chosen treatment is the closed one, when the odds for complications related to the medial cranial fossa are slightly higher.


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