Surgery Insights

Current Issue

Published January 1, 2022

Surgery Insights (ISSN: 2831-8897) is an international open-access peer-reviewed journal based on a continuous publication model and aims to publish original works of high quality, covering all surgical specialties.

Original Research Articles

Glenda Giorgia Caputo, Filippo Contessi Negrini, Roberta Albanese, Pier Camillo Parodi
Management of Breast Reconstruction Salvage in the COVID-19 Pandemic Era: Is there still Room for Plastic Surgery?
Yi-Hsuan Lee, Yu-Ting Huang, Tsai-Ling Kuo, Ming-Che Lee, Yen-Cheng Chen
Laparoscopic Hepatectomy is a Feasible and Safe Choice for Primary Hepatocellular Carcinoma
Arsalan Ostovari, Ali Shahabinezhad, Shirin Sarejloo, Seyed Amirreza Mesbahi, Jalal Saem, Yasaman Hamidianshirazi, Alimohammad Bananzadeh, Shahram Paydar, Maryam Salimi
Thromboembolic Events among Multiple Trauma Victims with Pelvic Fractures with Injury Severity Score Greater Than 16 with and without Deep Vein Thrombosis Prophylactic Doses of Enoxaparin
Akos Farics, Ferenc Csaszar, Jozsef Csordas, Gergo Manfai, Istvan Bence Bálint
Trend Analysis for the Treatment of Incompetent GSV


Samuel Macedo Costa, Bruna Campos Ribeiro, Marcio Bruno Amaral
Condyle Dislocation to Medial Cranial Fossa: A Systematic Review
Zakaria Bakkali Aissaoui, Youssef Kharbach, El Mehdi EL Hichou, Abdelhak Khallouk
Priapism in the Context of Sickle Cell Disease: State of the Art and Perspectives

Case Reports

Samuel Macedo Costa, Bruna Campos Ribeiro, Daniel Belo Nunes, Bernardo Barcelos Greco
Trapdoor Orbital Fracture in a Pediatric Patient. Case Report and 57-years of Literature Review
May Honey Ohn, Jun Rong Ng, Ng Pey Luen, Khin Maung Ohn
Calcium Rim Sign in Plain Abdominal Radiograph: An Underrated Alert for Unstable Abdominal Aortic Aneurysm
Alberto Robles Méndez Hernández, Roberto Jauregui Brechu, Oscar Alejandro Mora Torres, Andrew M. Sorsby Vargas , Gabriel Isaac Castro Enríquez, Erick Mauricio Aceves Rodríguez , Sandra Berenice Somarriba Domínguez
Idiopathic Localized Dilation of Ileum
Yasmine Elamrani, Ahlam Bellaouchi, Achraf Amine Sbai, Azzedine Lachkar, Fahd Idrissi Elayoubi
Schwannoma of the Left Nasal Cavity originating from the Nasal Septum: A Case Report
Hesam Eghlimi, Amirhasan Rabbani, Alireza Movahedi
Successful Treatment of a Major Leakage of an Esophagojejunal Anastomosis after Open Total Gastrectomy: A Case Report

Case Series

Md Yusuf Afaque, Noha Rehman, Junaid Alam, Harsh Varshney, Syed Amjad Ali Rizvi, Mohammad Aslam
Importance of Critical View of Safety, Rouviere’s Sulcus, and Minimal Energy Device Usage in Reducing Biliary Injury in Laparoscopic Cholecystectomy
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